Energy audits of tertiary buildings

Tertiary Decree
Gekoppelde oplossingen

In France for the first time the French real estate tertiary sector is subject to an obligation of result in terms of energy efficiency through the implementation of the Tertiary Decree.
Indeed, this decree obliges owners and occupants of tertiary buildings to achieve ambitious energy savings by 2030, 2040 and then 2050 with respectively -40%, -50% and -60% of finale energy consumption compared to the reference consumption (between 2010 and 2019).

ENGIE GBS has entrusted Tractebel with conducting building audits on its French real estate portfolio. The objective is to determine the multi-year action plan for works to meet its obligations.
The real estate assets concerned by this audit concern approximately 150 sites spread throughout France. Their surface area exceeds 1,000 m2 and some sites even exceed 12,000 m2.

Locatie France
Periode 2020-2021

TRACTEBEL conducts its mission in several stages:

Step 1: Collection and analysis of input data Energy consumption, technical data (plans, work done) of the building.
Establishment of questionnaires to be sent to owners, occupants and operators for completion before the audits.

Step 2: Visit of the sites.

Step 3: Identification of solutions to improve energy performance and establishment of work programs to achieve the set objectives.
ENERGY AUDITS SCAN tool is used to identify the items that require work to reduce consumption An action plan (technical and behavioral) is proposed to achieve the objectives of the tertiary Decree for 2030, 2040 and 2050 (investment, IRR, degree of urgency of the work) to allow ENGIE to define multi-year work programs for each of its sites.

Step 4: Determination of a low-carbon strategy for ENGIE’s assets.

To obtain a national vision of the energy consumption and associated emissions of ENGIE's real estate assets, TRACTEBEL aggregates the data of all the audited sites. The analysis allows to set objectives on a larger scale and to determine a global strategy for the management of ENGIE’s real estate assets which contributes to its transition towards carbon neutrality.

Client's benefit

Gerelateerde expertise

De gerelateerde expertisedomeinen zijn:
Smart Building & Energy Efficiency