Paris-Nord-Est Geothermal Heating and Cooling

Gekoppelde oplossingen

Realization of an innovative project with the production and distribution of hot and cold water with different scenarios in winter and summer.

Klant CPCU (Compagnie Parisienne du Chauffage Urbain)
Locatie Paris, France
Periode 2013 - 2014
Capaciteit 20 MW (Geothermics), 76 MW (Steam Network), 7 MW Freezing Water Production & Distribution

Services Provided

Project Management of underground power plant plants producing and distributing hot water (96 MW) and cold water (7 MW) for two urban networks in the North-East region of Paris. Energy production ensured by geothermal well, reversible heat pumps / chiller, exchange substation.

Gerelateerde expertise

De gerelateerde expertisedomeinen zijn:
Geothermal energy