Mantaro Hydroelectric Complex Modernisation

Gekoppelde oplossingen

Mantaro Hydroelectric Complex, located in the region of Huancavelica, began its operations in 1973, and includes installations of Tablachaca Reservoir located in the town of Quichua, with dam capacity of 8 million m3. There the water from the river Mantaro is stored, and through a tunnel of 19,8 km derived the waters to the turbines of the seven generators of the 798 MW Santiago Antunez de Mayolo Hydroelectric Power Plant . The water is conducted by a waterfall at three turbines of 210 MW capacity of the Restitution Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Klant Electroperu
Locatie Mantaro River, Peru
Periode 2015-2017
Capaciteit 1,008 MW

Services provided

Gerelateerde expertise

De gerelateerde expertisedomeinen zijn:
Hydropower Plant Rehabilitation & Upgrade Large Hydropower Projects