From parking lot to park: Antwerp, Belgium inaugurates climate-proof green oasis

28 May 2024

Formerly a massive parking lot, the 9-hectare Zuidpark (South Park) is now a spacious green area and square for the public to enjoy. Tractebel’s designers and engineers were instrumental in the innovative design, from concept through completion.

The story of Zuidpark began in 2015, when Tractebel, in collaboration with Georges Descombes and ADR architects from Geneva, won the 2015 international design competition for the redevelopment of Antwerp’s old south docks area. After the  docks were demolished and filled in in the 1970s, the large vacant space mainly served as a giant parking lot. Fast-forward to the present, and the inauguration of the new Zuidpark on May 17, 2024: The parking lot was rebuilt underground, and the area is now a splendid climate-proof urban oasis.

Tractebel’s Infrastructures – Urban team, Tractebel company IMDC and partners were responsible for designing the 9-hectare park, which is divided into three main sectors – two green areas with a square between them – as a nod to the three docks which occupied the space decades ago. The teams have worked in close collaboration since client the City of Antwerp entrusted them with the design nearly a decade ago. The revitalization of the docks area involves an innovative water collection and reuse system, an integral part of the design of this new public space. IMDC worked alongside Tractebel’s hydraulic team to develop the rainwater recovery well and the collection of rainwater for reuse.

Zuidpark, in Antwerp, Belgium, was inaugurated on May 17, 2024

The green transformation of this former parking lot combines spaces for sports, games and leisure for all ages, with water features and a wide variety of trees, shrubs and plants. A water playground and other play areas were developed in collaboration with artists Celine Condorelli and Carmen Perrin. The result is a unique and attractive urban green zone.

The park features a variety of play areas

The Zuidpark is part of the pilot project within the European SPONGE 2020 initiative, of which the City of Antwerp is a partner. With the construction of the park, the city is preparing for the consequences of climate change, such as the increase in more intense precipitation and longer periods of drought and heat stress.

Tractebel and IMDC collaborated to develop the innovative rainwater collection and reuse system

This urban marvel is the result of shared ambition and strong collaboration between Tractebel’s design teams, partners, contractors and the City of Antwerp.

Congratulations to all involved:

- DESIGN: Tractebel, Georges Descombes and Atelier Descombes Rampini (ADR).

- ENGINEERING: Tractebel and IMDC. IMDC has collaborated with our hydraulic team to calculate (Sirio) the rainwater recovery well (disconnection of the roofs around the square) and the collection for reuse (trees, sweepers, etc.).

- PLANTING: Erik De Waele

- LIGHTING: Les Éclairagistes Associés


Commissioned by AGVespa and Waterlink and executed by Stadsbader (for infrastructure) and ELM (for landscaping).

Zuidpark is a climate-proof, urban oasis... be enjoyed by all ages for generations to come. 

Discover our Urban Design & Development solutions


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