Merowe Dam and Hydropower Plant

Linked solutions

The Merowe Dam and Hydropower Plant is located on the Nile River some 350 km north of Khartoum. It is the largest hydropower plant in Sudan with a total installed capacity of 1,250 MW (10 units at 125 MW each) and more than 6,500 GWh of annual energy generation. The spillway is capable of discharging 19,900 m³/s during PMF-conditions. The embankment dam consists of a 5.9 km long concrete face rockfill dam, which is the longest CFRD worldwide.

Client Dams Implementation Unit (DIU), Ministry of Water Resources, Irrigation & Electricity, Khartoum, Sudan
Location Merowe Dam, Marawi, Northern, Sudan
Period 2000 - 2012
Capacity 1,250 MW

Services provided

With the trusted expertise of Lahmeyer International

Linked subdomains

The linked subdomains are:
Hydro & Electromechanical Equipment Sediment ManagementDam Safety Assessment, Monitoring & SurveillanceGeotechnics and Underground Works
DamsLarge Hydropower Plants